"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"
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* 1 c water
* ¼ c olive oil (both kinds work)
* ½ c honey
* 2 T flax egg (see page 94, Traci’s Transformational Kitchen Recipe Collection, or email me at tracisellers@gmail.com, using fresh golden flax seed to replace eggs is not only miraculous, it is tasty and healthful too!)
* 1 1/2 c moist sprouted short grain brown rice (for sprouting instructions see page 84 of Traci’s Transformational Health Principles, available as a free download from www.bestfoodist.com!)
* ¼ c moist sprouted millet (ibid)
* ½ t sea salt
* 2 t pure vanilla extract
* 2 T baking powder (Rumford, Aluminum-free)


1. Preheat oven to 350°. Spray two 8 x 8 or 9” round cake pans with non stick olive oil spray. With whole grain cake, it helps to divide it with a layer of frosting. Or bake in one 8 x 8 pan.(or as cupcakes and poke a hole in the middle to fill with frosting for a cream center.)

2. Combine water, oil, honey, flax egg, rice, millet, salt and vanilla in a blender, blend
until very smooth.

3. While blender is still running, add baking powder and shut off blender. After batter
stops fluffing, re-blend for 5 more seconds. This is essential or your cake will fall in
the middle.

4. Pour into a cake pan(s) sprayed with non-stick olive oil spray.

5. Bake 20-25 minutes or until tester comes out with small clumps on it, sprouted
goods never come out quite clean, you’re just testing that is no longer a liquid.

Variation: Carob cake: add 2 T carob powder with step 3. Chocolate Cake: add 2 T cocoa powder with step 3.
Sprouted Grain Cake
contributed by Traci Sellers

Wahoo! Have your cake, and know it is made from such pristine ingredients! We use many different grains for cake making, and call this one the Golden Sponge Cake. It is pictured here as we made it for Corinne’s first birthday, with three layers and Carnival Organic Sprinkelz (made with evaporated cane juice crystals and vegetable dyes!)