The School of Natural Healing
The School of Natural Healing
Since 1953
Healing Through Knowledge and Truth

So How Much is Tuition?
Normally for this type of information you would expect to pay thousands of dollars.  However at the School of Natural Healing we believe that healthy living should be within the range of everybody! 

Our regular price for the Family Herbalist course is $495.00. But you don’t have to pay that! 

Because of technology that has allowed us to move the entire course online we have dropped the price to $295.00.  If you go to our main website today, that is the price you will pay.  But you don’t even have to pay that!
Order Now and Get Immediate Access
All for Just $195.00!
Yes, you saw that right.  Only $195.00!  That is $300.00 off the regular correspondence price.  It is $100 off the already low 'online special' price.  Even if the knowledge you gain saved you only one single trip to the doctor's office for you or your child, wouldn't that more than pay for the cost of the course? 

We have had students report saving thousands of dollars per year because of the knowledge gained at the School of Natural Healing.  Many have reported not having to undergo very expensive surgeries because they were able to heal themselves using what they learned.

How much is having full control of your health worth to you?
For Just $195.00
Finally Your Health Care is on Your Terms!
Start Today!
We have gone even one step further.  We really want you to have this information.  It has literally changed the lives of thousands of people, and it will change your life too!  So as a special offer, if you purchase through this website we have lowered the price even further!
Start Your Herbal Education Today.
We look forward to helping you achieve the healthy lifestyle you have always wanted